BACMMgt RCFE Evaluation Checklist
Quality Dimensions
Quality of Care and Service
Unfortunately, the Department of Social Services, Community Care Licensing (CCL) does not yet provide inspection reports and complaint information on Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly in an electronic format that can be used to make such vital information readily available to consumers and consumer advocates. However, information on the most recent inspection reports and any complaints that were substantiated by CCL should be made available at each RCFE upon request.
The local district licensing office has a complete file on each facility. To find your local district licensing office, visit Call and make an appointment to review the public file on facilities that you are particularly interested in. Some of the documents that you want to review are:
Quality of Care and Service
- Do residents appear well cared for?
- Are residents up, clean, and dressed by 10 AM?
- Are the residents well groomed, (e.g., shaved, clean clothes, nails trimmed and hair done)?
- Is there a written plan of care for each resident? How often is the care plan reviewed and changed? By whom?
- Does the facility offer programs and/or services which meet your particular care needs, (e.g., dementia unit, etc.)?
- What is the system for distribution of medications? Who does it? What is their level of training?
- Does the facility have access to doctors, hospitals, home health agencies and adult day health care services?
- Does facility provide transportation to medical services? Charges?
- Are there clear procedures for responding to medical emergencies?
- Does the food appear and smell appealing? Are fresh ingredients used?
- Do residents seem to be enjoying the food?
- Are residents receiving the assistance needed in eating?
- Are meals served at appropriate temperatures?
- Do menus offer choice? How often are menus changed? (Ask to see a copy of the week's menu.)
- Can the facility meet special dietary needs? Ethnic preferences?
- Are nutritious snacks available?
- Is fresh drinking water available?
- Can residents prepare meals in apartments?
- Does the facility make provisions to serve residents in rooms? Costs?
- Are residents interacting with staff and/or each other?
- Are residents occupied in meaningful activities?
- Does the facility have a planned activities program? Are activity calendars posted? On weekends?
- Is there a designated staff who coordinates activities? Are activities individualized or only done in large groups?
- Do volunteers and outside groups regularly visit the facility?
- Are there planned trips outside the facility?
- Is transportation provided for shopping and personal errands? Charges?
- Are pets allowed? Does the facility have pets?
- Are residents encouraged to bring in some of their own furnishings?
- Are religious services offered at the facility?
- Are residents and family members involved in assessment and care planning?
- Are residents and family members involved in roommate selection?
- Do residents have an opportunity to provide input into menu and activity planning?
- Are there procedures for responding to requests for information and complaints?
- Is the Ombudsman Program's poster and telephone number posted?
- Does the facility have a residents' council? Does the facility have a family council or support group?
- How long has the key staff been working at the facility, (i.e., administrator and assistant administrator, activities coordinator, cook, and nurse consultant)?
- Has there been a recent turnover in key staff?
- How many direct care staff are there for each shift?
- What is the staff to resident ratio? What is the ratio on the night shift? Weekends?
- What is the turnover rate among direct care staff?
- Does direct care staff understand and speak English?
- What special training do staff receive in working with persons with dementia?
- Do the administration and staff know the residents by name?
- Does staff take time to talk with residents?
- Do administration and staff interact with residents in a respectful way?
- How long does it take for staff to respond to a resident's request for help or to a call bell?
- Does staff respect residents' privacy by knocking on doors or announcing themselves before entering rooms?
- Does the staff wear name badges?
- Is the overall décor pleasant and homelike?
- Is the environment clean and odor free?
- Is the facility quiet or noisy?
- Is the temperature comfortable?
- Does the building seem safe and free from dangerous hazards? Cluttered?
- Are the residents' rooms, hallways, and common areas well lighted?
- Are floors of non-skid material and are carpets firm to ease walking and to prevent falls?
- Is the dining room pleasant and inviting?
- Are common areas, bedrooms and bathrooms accessible to wheelchairs and walkers?
- Are bathrooms conveniently located?
- How many residents share a bathroom?
- Do all bathrooms, showers and bathtubs have hand-grips or rails?
- Are call bells accessible to residents? By bed? In bathrooms?
- Is there privacy in residents' rooms, especially in shared rooms?
- Is there any place to have a private conversation?
- Is there a bedside table, reading light, chest of drawers and at least one comfortable chair for each resident?
- Is there a locked drawer to store valuables? If not, does facility make provisions to store valuables?
- Is there adequate space for clothing and personal belongings in each room?
- Does the facility have extra storage space for residents' belongings?
- Are there outside sitting and walking areas for residents? Are any covered to protect from sun or rain?
- Is there a fenced yard? Locked?
- Are there enough fire and carbon monoxide detectors?
- Is there a designated smoking area? Inside? Outside?
- Is there a disaster plan posted? How often does the facility hold drills?
- Is the facility close to family and friends who will be visiting most frequently?
- Is the facility near public transportation?
- Is the facility in an area where it would be safe to visit at night?
- Is the facility convenient to the resident's doctor? Home health agency?
- Is the facility close to a hospital?
- Are family and friends welcome at any time or are there strict visiting hours?
- Does the facility have a good reputation in the community?
- Will they give you a list of references?
- Are residents and/or family members willing to talk with you about the facility?
- How did the administrator and staff treat you when showing you around?
- Did they answer all your questions to your satisfaction?
- Did they show you around the entire facility? Were any areas or sections not shown to you? Why?
- Do you feel that the administrator and staff are people you can work with and communicate with honestly?
- How would you or your loved one fit in? Is this facility compatible with your lifestyle?
- Can you imagine yourself or your loved one living here?
- How did you feel when visiting the facility?
- Are Supplemental Security Income (SSI) residents accepted?
- Do the estimated monthly costs (including extra charges) compare favorably with other facilities?
- Are there any upfront fees, (e.g., assessment, community fees)?
- What services are included in the basic rate?
- What is the cost for extra services? Levels of care? How is the need for extra services or higher levels of care determined?
- What are the costs for specialized services, (e.g., dementia unit)?
- Do the estimated monthly costs (including extra charges) compare favorably with other facilities?
- Are the costs and payment schedule clearly described in the admission agreement?
- Are the total monthly charges affordable over time?
- Will the facility give you a copy of the admission agreement to take home and study before making a final decision?
Unfortunately, the Department of Social Services, Community Care Licensing (CCL) does not yet provide inspection reports and complaint information on Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly in an electronic format that can be used to make such vital information readily available to consumers and consumer advocates. However, information on the most recent inspection reports and any complaints that were substantiated by CCL should be made available at each RCFE upon request.
The local district licensing office has a complete file on each facility. To find your local district licensing office, visit Call and make an appointment to review the public file on facilities that you are particularly interested in. Some of the documents that you want to review are:
- Most recent inspection report.
- Complaints within the past two to three years. Pay special attention to violations of resident rights or any abuse violations.
- Review the Plan of Operation, especially the section that deals with special services, (e.g., dementia or hospice care, activity programs, and staffing).
- Check the waiver application and approval for hospice care.
- Request to see the "Advisory Notes." Advisory Notes are a form of written consultation provided by the licensing evaluator to the facility. Although advisory notes are not considered citations, they sometimes offer insight into the overall pattern of a facility's management and operating practices.