We attract new patients
Specifically, we attract the right patients for physicians just like you. Our first goal is to analyze your current patient flow. See example chart #1 – determine where your clinicians spend their time. See example chart #2 – determine which activities produce which revenues. See example chart #3 – then formulate a plan that creates an environment to increase revenue production and decrease losses.
We then implement a comprehensive phased process model that incorporates your business needs, with relevant business research, communications strategies, ROI, project goals and speed.
Then, depending on your needs – simple, complex or somewhere in between, our methodology will rapidly deliver messaging and content in rich, relevant initiatives, and an excellent user experience, that drives engagement and a strong call-to-action.
Finally, we use technology to your advantage, not just because it’s available. A carefully orchestrated mix of understanding, analytics, and technology, thus delivering explosive results.
Healthcare Social Commerce
With the increasing number of web crawlers, the Internet has become the best medium to find the best physicians and medical facilities. That has created healthcare social commerce. Most potential patients now prefer to look online, when it comes to healthcare. More and more people are rapidly joining medical networking websites, be it a patient or specialized physicians. If you are a healthcare expert, you can efficiently market and advertise your practice and/or facility and enhance your business performance. If you are a person suffering from any ailment, you can seek out the assistance of these platforms to reach these highly qualified physicians. In a nutshell, it has dual advantages. Gone are the days when you have to travel miles and drive from one physician to another. Nowadays, physician reviews are accessible to one and all. It directs to streamline healthcare experts. Healthcare patient acquisition is the major concern for the majority of specialized physicians. Once you join the healthcare networking sites, you don’t need to fret over such issues. All you need to do is follow a simple sign up process and access the community site to work in your favor. Today, healthcare is one of the most flourishing and promising industries. Dramatic increase in the life expectancy is the major reason for the rising need of highly skilled and professional healthcare practitioners. In order to get the proper medical referrals, you just need to sign up on the relevant networking platforms. This excellent venue enables you to share your valuable information with the community members. Not only physicians and patients, but medical suppliers can also reap the benefits out of it. The healthcare community websites provide much needed exposures to the medical suppliers and reach their prospective clients. Are you wondering about the basic aim of healthcare social commerce sites and their physician finder services? Well, they are dedicated to improve healthcare and wellness awareness among the community members. At the same time, such platforms significantly enhance the visibility of expert physicians over the web. It makes it convenient for the clients to find out the best medical care services, as well as healthcare products. You can call it a hassle free and time saving way of finding the healthcare services in your vicinity. Patient referrals are widely known as bridges connecting patients and specialized physicians. Moreover, you can avail the community of healthcare experts at a reasonable cost via such social networks. Irrefutably, the healthcare sector is of utmost importance for any society. To empower, is the main goal of providing quality medical care, thus, healthcare social commerce websites are the ideal platforms. They cater to the healthcare needs of people from different walks of life, no matter whether they are a common individual, specialized physician or a medical product supplier. If you are striving hard to convey your message to potential clients, partake in such networking platforms to fully utilize healthcare social commerce.
Elements of Social Commerce
1. Reciprocity - When a physician gives a patient something for free, that person will feel the need to return the favor, whether by coming back again or by giving a good recommendation for the physician.
2. Community - When people find an physician or group that shares the same values, likes, beliefs, etc., they find community. People are more committed to a community that they feel accepted within. When this commitment happens, they tend to follow the same trends as the group and when one member introduces a new idea or product, it is accepted more readily based on the previous trust that has been established. It is quite beneficial for physicians to develop partnerships with social media sites to engage social communities with their products and services.
3. Social Proof - To receive positive feedback, a physician needs to be willing to accept social feedback and to show proof that other people are satisfied with the same things that the public looks for. This can be seen in a lot of online companies such as eBay and Amazon, that allow public feedback of products and when a purchase is made, they immediately generate a list showing purchases that other people have made in relation to my recent purchase. It is beneficial to encourage open recommendation and feedback. This creates trust for you as a physician. Remember, 55% of consumers turn to social media when they’re looking for information.
4. Authority - Many people need proof that a product or service a physician provides is excellent. This proof can be based on the recommendations of others who have seen the same physician. If there are many patient reviews about a physician, then a potential patient will be more willing to trust their own decision to see that physician.
5. Liking - People trust based on the recommendations of others. If there are a lot of “likes” of a particular physician, then the potential patient will feel more confident and justified in seeing that physician.
6. Scarcity - As part of supply and demand, a greater value is assigned to physicians that are regarded as either being in high demand or are seen as being in a shortage. Therefore, if a person is convinced that they are seeing someone that is unique, special, or not easy to find, they will have more of a willingness to see that physician. If there is trust established from the physician, they will want to see them immediately. This can be seen in the cases of Zara (retailer) and Apple who create demand for their products by convincing the public that there is a possibility of missing out on being able to purchase them.